"CCW Field Name","CCW Field Description","System URL" "ADJSTMT_DLTN_CD","This field distinguishes original from adjusted or deleted PDE records so CMS can adjust claims and make accurate payment for revised PDE records.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/adjstmt_dltn_cd" "BENE_ENROLLMT_REF_YR","This field indicates the reference year of the enrollment data.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rfrnc_yr" "BENE_ENTLMT_RSN_CURR","Current reason for Medicare entitlement.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/crec" "BENE_ENTLMT_RSN_ORIG","Original reason for Medicare entitlement.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/orec" "BENE_ESRD_IND","This field specifies whether a beneficiary is entitled to Medicare benefits due to end stage renal disease (ESRD).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/esrd_ind" "BENE_ID","The unique CCW identifier for a beneficiary. The CCW assigns a unique beneficiary identification number to each individual who receives Medicare and/or Medicaid and uses that number to identify an individual’s records in all CCW data files. This number does not change during a beneficiary’s lifetime; and CCW uses each number only once. The BENE_ID is specific to the CCW and is not applicable to any other identification system or data source.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/bene_id" "BENE_LRD_USED_CNT","The number of lifetime reserve days that the beneficiary has elected to use during the period covered by the institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/bene_lrd_used_cnt" "BENE_MDCR_STATUS_CD","This variable indicates how a beneficiary currently qualifies for Medicare.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ms_cd" "BENE_PTA_TRMNTN_CD","This code specifies the reason Part A entitlement was terminated.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/a_trm_cd" "BENE_PTB_TRMNTN_CD","This code specifies the reason Part B entitlement was terminated.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/b_trm_cd" "BENE_RACE_CD","The race of the beneficiary.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/race" "BENE_TOT_COINSRNC_DAYS_CNT","The count of the total number of coinsurance days involved with the beneficiary's stay in a facility.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/bene_tot_coinsrnc_days_cnt" "BETOS_CD","The Berenson-Eggers type of service (BETOS) for the procedure code based on generally agreed upon clinically meaningful groupings of procedures and services.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/betos_cd" "BRND_GNRC_CD","Plan reported value indicating whether the plan adjudicated the claim as a brand or generic drug.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/brnd_gnrc_cd" "CARR_CLM_ENTRY_CD","Carrier-generated code describing whether the Part B claim is an original debit; full credit; or replacement debit.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/carr_clm_entry_cd" "CARR_CLM_PMT_DNL_CD","The code on a non-institutional claim indicating who receives payment or if the claim was denied.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/carr_clm_pmt_dnl_cd" "CARR_CLM_PRMRY_PYR_PD_AMT","The amount of a payment made on behalf of a Medicare beneficiary by a primary payer other than Medicare; that the provider is applying to covered Medicare charges on a non-institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_tot_chrg_amt" "CARR_CLM_PRVDR_ASGNMT_IND_SW","Variable indicates whether or not the provider accepts assignment for the noninstitutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/asgmntcd" "CARR_LINE_ANSTHSA_UNIT_CNT","The base number of units assigned to the line item anesthesia procedure on the carrier claim (non-DMERC).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/carr_line_ansthsa_unit_cnt" "CARR_LINE_CLIA_LAB_NUM","The identification number assigned to the clinical laboratory providing services for the line item on the carrier claim (non-DMERC).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/carr_line_clia_lab_num" "CARR_LINE_MTUS_CD","Code indicating the units associated with services needing unit reporting on the line item for the carrier claim (non-DMERC).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/carr_line_mtus_cd" "CARR_LINE_MTUS_CNT","The count of the total units associated with services needing unit reporting such as transportation; miles; anesthesia time units; number of services; volume of oxygen or blood units.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/carr_line_mtus_cnt" "CARR_LINE_PRCNG_LCLTY_CD","Code denoting the carrier-specific locality used for pricing the service for this line item on the carrier claim (non-DMERC).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/carr_line_prcng_lclty_cd" "CARR_LINE_PRVDR_TYPE_CD","Code identifying the type of provider furnishing the service for this line item on the carrier claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/carr_line_prvdr_type_cd" "CARR_NUM","The identification number assigned by CMS to a carrier authorized to process claims from a physician or supplier.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/carr_num" "CLAIM_QUERY_CODE","Code indicating the type of claim record being processed with respect to payment (debit/credit indicator; interim/final indicator).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/claim_query_cd" "CLM_CLNCL_TRIL_NUM","The number used to identify all items and line-item services provided to a beneficiary during their participation in a clinical trial.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_clncl_tril_num" "CLM_DRG_CD","The diagnostic related group to which a hospital claim belongs for prospective payment purposes.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_drg_cd" "CLM_E_POA_IND_SW1","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis E codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_e_poa_ind_sw1" "CLM_E_POA_IND_SW10","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis E codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_e_poa_ind_sw10" "CLM_E_POA_IND_SW11","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis E codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_e_poa_ind_sw11" "CLM_E_POA_IND_SW12","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis E codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_e_poa_ind_sw12" "CLM_E_POA_IND_SW2","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis E codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_e_poa_ind_sw2" "CLM_E_POA_IND_SW3","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis E codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_e_poa_ind_sw3" "CLM_E_POA_IND_SW4","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis E codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_e_poa_ind_sw4" "CLM_E_POA_IND_SW5","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis E codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_e_poa_ind_sw5" "CLM_E_POA_IND_SW6","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis E codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_e_poa_ind_sw6" "CLM_E_POA_IND_SW7","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis E codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_e_poa_ind_sw7" "CLM_E_POA_IND_SW8","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis E codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_e_poa_ind_sw8" "CLM_E_POA_IND_SW9","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis E codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_e_poa_ind_sw9" "CLM_FAC_TYPE_CD","The type of facility.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_fac_type_cd" "CLM_FREQ_CD","The third digit of the type of bill (TOB3) submitted on an institutional claim record to indicate the sequence of a claim in the beneficiary's current episode of care","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_freq_cd" "CLM_HHA_LUPA_IND_CD","The code used to identify those Home Health PPS claims that have 4 visits or less in a 60-day episode.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_hha_lupa_ind_cd" "CLM_HHA_RFRL_CD","The code used to identify the means by which the beneficiary was referred for Home Health services.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_hha_rfrl_cd" "CLM_HHA_TOT_VISIT_CNT","The count of the number of HHA visits as derived by CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_hha_tot_visit_cnt" "CLM_ID","This is the unique identification number for the claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_id" "CLM_IP_ADMSN_TYPE_CD","The code indicating the type and priority of an inpatient admission associated with the service on an intermediary submitted claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_ip_admsn_type_cd" "CLM_MCO_PD_SW","A switch indicating whether or not a Managed Care Organization (MCO) has paid the provider for an institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_mco_pd_sw" "CLM_MDCR_NON_PMT_RSN_CD","The reason that no Medicare payment is made for services on an institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_mdcr_non_pmt_rsn_cd" "CLM_NON_UTLZTN_DAYS_CNT","On an institutional claim; the number of days of care that are not chargeable to Medicare facility utilization.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_non_utlztn_days_cnt" "CLM_OP_BENE_PMT_AMT","The amount paid; from the Medicare trust fund; to the beneficiary for the services reported on the outpatient claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_op_bene_pmt_amt" "CLM_OP_PRVDR_PMT_AMT","The amount paid; from the Medicare trust fund; to the provider for the services reported on the outpatient claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_op_bene_pmt_amt" "CLM_PASS_THRU_PER_DIEM_AMT","Medicare establishes a daily payment amount to reimburse IPPS hospitals for certain “pass-through” expenses; such as capital-related costs; direct medical education costs; kidney acquisition costs for hospitals that are renal transplant centers; and bad debts. This variable is the daily payment rate for pass-through expenses.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_pass_thru_per_diem_amt" "CLM_POA_IND_SW1","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw1" "CLM_POA_IND_SW10","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw10" "CLM_POA_IND_SW11","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw11" "CLM_POA_IND_SW12","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw12" "CLM_POA_IND_SW13","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw13" "CLM_POA_IND_SW14","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw14" "CLM_POA_IND_SW15","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw15" "CLM_POA_IND_SW16","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw16" "CLM_POA_IND_SW17","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw17" "CLM_POA_IND_SW18","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw18" "CLM_POA_IND_SW19","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw19" "CLM_POA_IND_SW2","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw2" "CLM_POA_IND_SW20","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw20" "CLM_POA_IND_SW21","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw21" "CLM_POA_IND_SW22","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw22" "CLM_POA_IND_SW23","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw23" "CLM_POA_IND_SW24","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw24" "CLM_POA_IND_SW25","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw25" "CLM_POA_IND_SW3","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw3" "CLM_POA_IND_SW4","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw4" "CLM_POA_IND_SW5","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw5" "CLM_POA_IND_SW6","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw6" "CLM_POA_IND_SW7","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw7" "CLM_POA_IND_SW8","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw8" "CLM_POA_IND_SW9","The present on admission (POA) indicator code associated with the diagnosis codes (principal and secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_poa_ind_sw9" "CLM_PPS_CPTL_DRG_WT_NUM","The number used to determine a transfer adjusted case mix index for capital; under the prospective payment system (PPS). The number is determined by multiplying the Diagnosis Related Group Code (DRG) weight times the discharge fraction.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_pps_cptl_drg_wt_num" "CLM_PPS_CPTL_EXCPTN_AMT","The capital PPS amount of exception payments provided for hospitals with inordinately high levels of capital obligations. Exception payments expire at the end of the 10-year transition period.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_pps_cptl_excptn_amt" "CLM_PPS_CPTL_FSP_AMT","The amount of the federal specific portion of the PPS payment for capital.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_pps_cptl_fsp_amt" "CLM_PPS_CPTL_IME_AMT","The amount of the indirect medical education (IME) (reimbursable amount for teaching hospitals only; an added amount passed by Congress to augment normal prospective payment system [PPS] payments for teaching hospitals to compensate them for higher patient costs resulting from medical education programs for interns and residents) portion of the PPS payment for capital.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_pps_cptl_ime_amt" "CLM_PPS_CPTL_OUTLIER_AMT","The amount of the outlier portion of the PPS payment for capital.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_pps_cptl_outlier_amt" "CLM_PPS_IND_CD","The code indicating whether or not: (1) the claim is from the prospective payment system (PPS); and/or (2) the beneficiary is a deemed insured MQGE (Medicare Qualified Government Employee)","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_pps_ind_cd" "CLM_SRC_IP_ADMSN_CD","The code indicating the source of the referral for the admission or visit.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_src_ip_admsn_cd" "CLM_SRVC_CLSFCTN_TYPE_CD","The type of service provided to the beneficiary.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_srvc_clsfctn_type_cd" "CLM_TOT_CHRG_AMT","The total charges for all services included on the institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_tot_chrg_amt" "CLM_TOT_PPS_CPTL_AMT","The total amount that is payable for capital for the prospective payment system (PPS) claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_tot_pps_cptl_amt" "CLM_UTLZTN_DAY_CNT","On an institutional claim; the number of covered days of care that are chargeable to Medicare facility utilization that includes full days; coinsurance days; and lifetime reserve days. It excludes any days classified as non-covered; leave of absence days; and the day of discharge or death.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/clm_utlztn_day_cnt" "CST_SHR_GRP_CD_01","This variable indicates the beneficiary’s Part D low-income subsidy cost sharing group for a given month (January). The Part D benefit requires enrollees to pay both premiums and cost-sharing; but the program also has a low-income subsidy (LIS) that covers some or all of those costs for certain lowincome individuals; including deductibles and cost-sharing during the coverage gap.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/cstshr01" "CST_SHR_GRP_CD_02","This variable indicates the beneficiary’s Part D low-income subsidy cost sharing group for a given month (January). The Part D benefit requires enrollees to pay both premiums and cost-sharing; but the program also has a low-income subsidy (LIS) that covers some or all of those costs for certain lowincome individuals; including deductibles and cost-sharing during the coverage gap.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/cstshr02" "CST_SHR_GRP_CD_03","This variable indicates the beneficiary’s Part D low-income subsidy cost sharing group for a given month (January). The Part D benefit requires enrollees to pay both premiums and cost-sharing; but the program also has a low-income subsidy (LIS) that covers some or all of those costs for certain lowincome individuals; including deductibles and cost-sharing during the coverage gap.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/cstshr03" "CST_SHR_GRP_CD_04","This variable indicates the beneficiary’s Part D low-income subsidy cost sharing group for a given month (January). The Part D benefit requires enrollees to pay both premiums and cost-sharing; but the program also has a low-income subsidy (LIS) that covers some or all of those costs for certain lowincome individuals; including deductibles and cost-sharing during the coverage gap.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/cstshr04" "CST_SHR_GRP_CD_05","This variable indicates the beneficiary’s Part D low-income subsidy cost sharing group for a given month (January). The Part D benefit requires enrollees to pay both premiums and cost-sharing; but the program also has a low-income subsidy (LIS) that covers some or all of those costs for certain lowincome individuals; including deductibles and cost-sharing during the coverage gap.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/cstshr05" "CST_SHR_GRP_CD_06","This variable indicates the beneficiary’s Part D low-income subsidy cost sharing group for a given month (January). The Part D benefit requires enrollees to pay both premiums and cost-sharing; but the program also has a low-income subsidy (LIS) that covers some or all of those costs for certain lowincome individuals; including deductibles and cost-sharing during the coverage gap.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/cstshr06" "CST_SHR_GRP_CD_07","This variable indicates the beneficiary’s Part D low-income subsidy cost sharing group for a given month (January). The Part D benefit requires enrollees to pay both premiums and cost-sharing; but the program also has a low-income subsidy (LIS) that covers some or all of those costs for certain lowincome individuals; including deductibles and cost-sharing during the coverage gap.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/cstshr07" "CST_SHR_GRP_CD_08","This variable indicates the beneficiary’s Part D low-income subsidy cost sharing group for a given month (January). The Part D benefit requires enrollees to pay both premiums and cost-sharing; but the program also has a low-income subsidy (LIS) that covers some or all of those costs for certain lowincome individuals; including deductibles and cost-sharing during the coverage gap.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/cstshr08" "CST_SHR_GRP_CD_09","This variable indicates the beneficiary’s Part D low-income subsidy cost sharing group for a given month (January). The Part D benefit requires enrollees to pay both premiums and cost-sharing; but the program also has a low-income subsidy (LIS) that covers some or all of those costs for certain lowincome individuals; including deductibles and cost-sharing during the coverage gap.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/cstshr09" "CST_SHR_GRP_CD_10","This variable indicates the beneficiary’s Part D low-income subsidy cost sharing group for a given month (January). The Part D benefit requires enrollees to pay both premiums and cost-sharing; but the program also has a low-income subsidy (LIS) that covers some or all of those costs for certain lowincome individuals; including deductibles and cost-sharing during the coverage gap.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/cstshr10" "CST_SHR_GRP_CD_11","This variable indicates the beneficiary’s Part D low-income subsidy cost sharing group for a given month (January). The Part D benefit requires enrollees to pay both premiums and cost-sharing; but the program also has a low-income subsidy (LIS) that covers some or all of those costs for certain lowincome individuals; including deductibles and cost-sharing during the coverage gap.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/cstshr11" "CST_SHR_GRP_CD_12","This variable indicates the beneficiary’s Part D low-income subsidy cost sharing group for a given month (January). The Part D benefit requires enrollees to pay both premiums and cost-sharing; but the program also has a low-income subsidy (LIS) that covers some or all of those costs for certain lowincome individuals; including deductibles and cost-sharing during the coverage gap.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/cstshr12" "CTSTRPHC_CVRG_CD","This variable indicates whether the PDE occurred within the catastrophic benefit phase of the Medicare Part D benefit; according to the source PDE.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ctstrphc_cvrg_cd" "CVRD_D_PLAN_PD_AMT","This is the net amount that the Part D plan paid for a PDE that was covered by the Medicare Part D benefit.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/cvrd_d_plan_pd_amt" "DAW_PROD_SLCTN_CD","This field indicates the prescriber's instruction regarding substitution of generic equivalents or order to dispense the specific prescribed medication.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/daw_prod_slctn_cd" "DMERC_LINE_MTUS_CD","Code indicating the units associated with services needing unit reporting on the line item for the DMERC service.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dmerc_line_mtus_cnt" "DMERC_LINE_MTUS_CNT","The count of the total units associated with services needing unit reporting such as number of supplies; volume of oxygen or nutritional units.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dmerc_line_mtus_cnt" "DMERC_LINE_PRCNG_STATE_CD","The 2-digit SSA state code where the durable medical equipment (DME) supplier was located; used by the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) for pricing the service.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dmerc_line_prcng_state_cd" "DMERC_LINE_SCRN_SVGS_AMT","The amount of savings attributable to the coverage screen for this DMERC line item.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dmerc_line_scrn_svgs_amt" "DMERC_LINE_SUPPLR_TYPE_CD","The type of DMERC supplier.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dmerc_line_supplr_type_cd" "DRUG_CVRG_STUS_CD","This field indicates whether or not the drug is covered by Medicare Part D.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/drug_cvrg_stus_cd" "DSH_OP_CLM_VAL_AMT","This is one component of the total amount that is payable on prospective payment system (PPS) claims and reflects the DSH (disproportionate share hospital) payments for operating expenses (such as labor) for the claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dsh_op_clm_val_amt" "DSPNSNG_STUS_CD","This field indicates how the pharmacy dispensed the complete quantity of the prescription.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dspnsng_stus_cd" "DUAL_STUS_CD_01","This variable indicates whether the beneficiary was eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid in a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dual_01" "DUAL_STUS_CD_02","This variable indicates whether the beneficiary was eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid in a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dual_02" "DUAL_STUS_CD_03","This variable indicates whether the beneficiary was eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid in a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dual_03" "DUAL_STUS_CD_04","This variable indicates whether the beneficiary was eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid in a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dual_04" "DUAL_STUS_CD_05","This variable indicates whether the beneficiary was eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid in a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dual_05" "DUAL_STUS_CD_06","This variable indicates whether the beneficiary was eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid in a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dual_06" "DUAL_STUS_CD_07","This variable indicates whether the beneficiary was eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid in a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dual_07" "DUAL_STUS_CD_08","This variable indicates whether the beneficiary was eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid in a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dual_08" "DUAL_STUS_CD_09","This variable indicates whether the beneficiary was eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid in a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dual_09" "DUAL_STUS_CD_10","This variable indicates whether the beneficiary was eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid in a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dual_10" "DUAL_STUS_CD_11","This variable indicates whether the beneficiary was eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid in a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dual_11" "DUAL_STUS_CD_12","This variable indicates whether the beneficiary was eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid in a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/dual_12" "GDC_ABV_OOPT_AMT","This variable is the portion of the gross drug cost for the prescription drug fill that was covered by Part D’s catastrophic coverage.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/gdc_abv_oopt_amt" "GDC_BLW_OOPT_AMT","This variable is the portion of the gross drug cost for the prescription drug fill that was not covered by Part D’s catastrophic coverage.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/gdc_blw_oopt_amt" "HCPCS_CD","The Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) is a collection of codes that represent procedures; supplies; products; and services which may be provided to Medicare beneficiaries and to individuals enrolled in private health insurance programs.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/hcpcs_cd" "IME_OP_CLM_VAL_AMT","This is one component of the total amount that is payable on PPS claims; and reflects the IME (indirect medical education) payments for operating expenses (such as labor) for the claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ime_op_clm_val_amt" "LICS_AMT","This is the amount of cost sharing for the drug that was paid by the Part D low-income subsidy (LICS). This field contains plan-reported amounts per drug event; CMS uses this information to reconcile the prospective payments it makes to Part D plans for expected low-income cost sharing with the actual amounts incurred by the plans.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/lics_amt" "LINE_ALOWD_CHRG_AMT","The amount of allowed charges for the line-item service on the non-institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/line_alowd_chrg_amt" "LINE_BENE_PMT_AMT","The payment (reimbursement) made to the beneficiary related to the line-item service on the non-institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/line_bene_pmt_amt" "LINE_BENE_PRMRY_PYR_CD","The code specifying a federal non-Medicare program or other source that has primary responsibility for the payment of the Medicare beneficiary's medical bills relating to the line-item service on the non-institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/line_bene_prmry_pyr_cd" "LINE_BENE_PRMRY_PYR_PD_AMT","The amount of a payment made on behalf of a Medicare beneficiary by a primary payer other than Medicare; that the provider is applying to covered Medicare charges for to the line-item service on the non-institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/line_bene_prmry_pyr_pd_amt" "LINE_BENE_PTB_DDCTBL_AMT","The amount of money for which the carrier has determined that the beneficiary is liable for the Part B cash deductible for the line-item service on the non-institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/line_bene_ptb_ddctbl_amt" "LINE_CMS_TYPE_SRVC_CD","Code indicating the type of service; as defined in the CMS Medicare Carrier Manual; for this line item on the non-institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/line_cms_type_srvc_cd" "LINE_COINSRNC_AMT","The beneficiary coinsurance liability amount for this line-item service on the non-institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/line_coinsrnc_amt" "LINE_DME_PRCHS_PRICE_AMT","The amount representing the lower of fee schedule for purchase of new or used DME; or actual charge. In case of rental DME; this amount represents the purchase cap; rental payments can only be made until the cap is met.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/line_dme_prchs_price_amt" "LINE_HCT_HGB_RSLT_NUM","This is the laboratory value for the most recent hematocrit or hemoglobin reading on the non-institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/line_hct_hgb_rslt_num" "LINE_HCT_HGB_TYPE_CD","The type of test that was performed — hematocrit or hemoglobin.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/line_hct_hgb_type_cd" "LINE_NCH_PMT_AMT","Amount of payment made from the Medicare trust fund (after deductible and coinsurance amounts have been paid) for the line-item service on the non-institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/line_nch_pmt_amt" "LINE_PLACE_OF_SRVC_CD","The code indicating the place of service; as defined in the Medicare Carrier Manual; for this line item on the non-institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/line_place_of_srvc_cd" "LINE_PMT_80_100_CD","The code indicating that the amount shown in the payment field on the non-institutional line item represents either 80% or 100% of the allowed charges less any deductible; or 100% limitation of liability only.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/line_pmt_80_100_cd" "LINE_PRCSG_IND_CD","The code on a non-institutional claim indicating to whom payment was made or if the claim was denied.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/line_prcsg_ind_cd" "LINE_PRVDR_PMT_AMT","The payment made by Medicare to the provider for the line-item service on the non-institutional claim. Additional payments may have been made to the provider — including beneficiary deductible and coinsurance amounts and/or other primary payer amounts.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/line_prvdr_pmt_amt" "LINE_SBMTD_CHRG_AMT","The amount of submitted charges for the line-item service on the non-institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/line_sbmtd_chrg_amt" "LINE_SERVICE_DEDUCTIBLE","Switch indicating whether or not the line-item service on the non-institutional claim is subject to a deductible.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/line_service_deductible" "MDCR_ENTLMT_BUYIN_10_IND","Monthly Part A and/or Part B entitlement indicator.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/buyin10" "MDCR_ENTLMT_BUYIN_11_IND","Monthly Part A and/or Part B entitlement indicator.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/buyin11" "MDCR_ENTLMT_BUYIN_12_IND","Monthly Part A and/or Part B entitlement indicator.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/buyin12" "MDCR_ENTLMT_BUYIN_1_IND","Monthly Part A and/or Part B entitlement indicator.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/buyin01" "MDCR_ENTLMT_BUYIN_2_IND","Monthly Part A and/or Part B entitlement indicator.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/buyin02" "MDCR_ENTLMT_BUYIN_3_IND","Monthly Part A and/or Part B entitlement indicator.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/buyin03" "MDCR_ENTLMT_BUYIN_4_IND","Monthly Part A and/or Part B entitlement indicator.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/buyin04" "MDCR_ENTLMT_BUYIN_5_IND","Monthly Part A and/or Part B entitlement indicator.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/buyin05" "MDCR_ENTLMT_BUYIN_6_IND","Monthly Part A and/or Part B entitlement indicator.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/buyin06" "MDCR_ENTLMT_BUYIN_7_IND","Monthly Part A and/or Part B entitlement indicator.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/buyin07" "MDCR_ENTLMT_BUYIN_8_IND","Monthly Part A and/or Part B entitlement indicator.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/buyin08" "MDCR_ENTLMT_BUYIN_9_IND","Monthly Part A and/or Part B entitlement indicator.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/buyin09" "NCH_BENE_IP_DDCTBL_AMT","The amount of the deductible the beneficiary paid for inpatient services; as originally submitted on the institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_bene_ip_ddctbl_amt" "NCH_BENE_PTB_COINSRNC_AMT","The amount of money for which the intermediary has determined that the beneficiary is liable for Part B coinsurance on the institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_bene_ptb_coinsrnc_amt" "NCH_BENE_PTB_DDCTBL_AMT","The amount of money for which the intermediary or carrier has determined that the beneficiary is liable for the Part B cash deductible on the claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_bene_ptb_ddctbl_amt" "NCH_BLOOD_PNTS_FRNSHD_QTY","Number of whole pints of blood furnished to the beneficiary; as reported on the carrier claim (non-DMERC).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_blood_pnts_frnshd_qty" "NCH_CARR_CLM_ALOWD_AMT","The total allowed charges on the claim (the sum of line item allowed charges).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_carr_clm_alowd_amt" "NCH_CARR_CLM_SBMTD_CHRG_AMT","The total submitted charges on the claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_carr_clm_sbmtd_chrg_amt" "NCH_CLM_BENE_PMT_AMT","The total payments made to the beneficiary for this claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_clm_bene_pmt_amt" "NCH_CLM_PRVDR_PMT_AMT","The total payments made to the provider for this claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_clm_prvdr_pmt_amt" "NCH_CLM_TYPE_CD","The type of claim that was submitted. There are different claim types for each major category of health care provider.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_clm_type_cd" "NCH_IP_NCVRD_CHRG_AMT","The non-covered charges for all accommodations and services; reported on an inpatient claim (used for internal NCHMQA editing purposes).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_ip_ncvrd_chrg_amt" "NCH_IP_TOT_DDCTN_AMT","The total of all Part A and blood deductibles and coinsurance amounts on the claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_ip_tot_ddctn_amt" "NCH_NEAR_LINE_REC_IDENT_CD","A code defining the type of claim record being processed.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_near_line_rec_ident_cd" "NCH_PRMRY_PYR_CD","The code; on an institutional claim; specifying a federal non-Medicare program or other source that has primary responsibility for the payment of the Medicare beneficiary's health insurance bills.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_prmry_pyr_cd" "NCH_PRMRY_PYR_CLM_PD_AMT","The amount of a payment made on behalf of a Medicare beneficiary by a primary payer other than Medicare; that the provider is applying to covered Medicare charges on a non-institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/prpayamt" "NCH_PROFNL_CMPNT_CHRG_AMT","This field is the amount of physician and other professional charges covered under Medicare Part B.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_profnl_cmpnt_chrg_amt" "NCH_PTNT_STATUS_IND_CD","This variable is a recoded version of the discharge status code.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_ptnt_stus_ind_cd" "NCH_QLFYD_STAY_FROM_DT","The beginning date of the beneficiary's qualifying Medicare stay.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_qlfyd_stay_from_dt" "NCH_QLFYD_STAY_THRU_DT","The ending date of the beneficiary's qualifying Medicare stay.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_qlfyd_stay_from_dt" "NCH_VRFD_NCVRD_STAY_FROM_DT","The beginning date of the beneficiary's Non-covered stay.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_vrfd_ncvrd_stay_from_dt" "NCH_VRFD_NCVRD_STAY_THRU_DT","The ending date of the beneficiary's non-covered stay.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_vrfd_ncvrd_stay_from_dt" "NCH_WKLY_PROC_DT","The date the weekly NCH database load process cycle begins; during which the claim records are loaded into the Nearline file. This date will always be a Friday; although the claims will actually be appended to the database subsequent to the date.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nch_wkly_proc_dt" "NCVRD_PLAN_PD_AMT","This is the net amount paid by the Part D plan (i.e.; for enhanced alternative benefits) including cost sharing fill-in and/or non-Part D drugs. This dollar amount is excluded from risk corridor calculations.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ncvrd_plan_pd_amt" "NSTD_FRMT_CD","This data element is used by CMS to identify PDE records that are compiled from non-standard sources.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/nstd_frmt_cd" "OTHR_TROOP_AMT","This is the amount of any payment made by other third-party payers that reduces the beneficiary’s liability for the PDE and counts towards Part D’s true out-of-pocket (TrOOP) requirement. Two examples are payments by qualified state pharmacy assistance programs or charities. This variable does not include amounts covered by the Part D low-income subsidy.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/othr_troop_amt" "PDE_ID","Identifies a unique Part D event for a beneficiary.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/pde_id" "PHRMCY_SRVC_TYPE_CD","The type of pharmacy used. This variable indicates the type of pharmacy that dispensed the prescription; as recorded on the PDE.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/phrmcy_srvc_type_cd" "PLAN_CNTRCT_REC_ID","This variable is the unique Part D contract identifier for the beneficiary’s Part D plan of record for the year. CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a Part D plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/plan_cntrct_rec_id" "PLAN_PBP_REC_NUM","This variable is the unique plan benefit package (PBP) identifier for the beneficiary’s Part D plan of record for the year. CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part D plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/plan_pbp_rec_num" "PLRO_AMT","This is the amount of any payment by other third-party payers that reduces the beneficiary’s liability for the PDE but does not count towards Part D’s true out-of-pocket (TrOOP) requirement. Examples include payments by group health plans; worker's compensation; and governmental programs like the Veterans Administration and TRICARE.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/plro_amt" "PRCNG_EXCPTN_CD","This variable indicates if the PDE was processed by the Part D plan using pricing rules that differ from the plan's negotiated price. Most PDEs have missing values; indicating that they were obtained from in-network pharmacies.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/prcng_excptn_cd" "PRTCPTNG_IND_CD","Code indicating whether or not a provider is participating (accepting assignment) for this line-item service on the non-institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/prtcptng_ind_cd" "PRVDR_NUM","This variable is the provider identification number. OR The billing number assigned to the supplier of the Part B service/DMEPOS by the National Supplier Clearinghouse; as reported on the line item for the DMERC claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/suplrnum" "PRVDR_SPCLTY","CMS (previously called HCFA) specialty code used for pricing the line-item service on the non-institutional claim.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/prvdr_spclty" "PRVDR_STATE_CD","The two-digit numeric social security administration (SSA) state code where provider or facility is located.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/prvdr_state_cd" "PRVDR_ZIP","The ZIP code of the physician/supplier who performed the Part B service for this line item on the carrier claim (non-DMERC).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/prvdr_zip" "PTC_CNTRCT_ID_01","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_cntrct_id_01" "PTC_CNTRCT_ID_02","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_cntrct_id_02" "PTC_CNTRCT_ID_03","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_cntrct_id_03" "PTC_CNTRCT_ID_04","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_cntrct_id_04" "PTC_CNTRCT_ID_05","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_cntrct_id_05" "PTC_CNTRCT_ID_06","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_cntrct_id_06" "PTC_CNTRCT_ID_07","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_cntrct_id_07" "PTC_CNTRCT_ID_08","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_cntrct_id_08" "PTC_CNTRCT_ID_09","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_cntrct_id_09" "PTC_CNTRCT_ID_10","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_cntrct_id_10" "PTC_CNTRCT_ID_11","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_cntrct_id_11" "PTC_CNTRCT_ID_12","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_cntrct_id_12" "PTC_PBP_ID_01","The variable is the Medicare Part C plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part C plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_pbp_id_01" "PTC_PBP_ID_02","The variable is the Medicare Part C plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part C plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_pbp_id_02" "PTC_PBP_ID_03","The variable is the Medicare Part C plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part C plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_pbp_id_03" "PTC_PBP_ID_04","The variable is the Medicare Part C plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part C plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_pbp_id_04" "PTC_PBP_ID_05","The variable is the Medicare Part C plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part C plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_pbp_id_05" "PTC_PBP_ID_06","The variable is the Medicare Part C plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part C plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_pbp_id_06" "PTC_PBP_ID_07","The variable is the Medicare Part C plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part C plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_pbp_id_07" "PTC_PBP_ID_08","The variable is the Medicare Part C plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part C plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_pbp_id_08" "PTC_PBP_ID_09","The variable is the Medicare Part C plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part C plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_pbp_id_09" "PTC_PBP_ID_10","The variable is the Medicare Part C plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part C plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_pbp_id_10" "PTC_PBP_ID_11","The variable is the Medicare Part C plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part C plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_pbp_id_11" "PTC_PBP_ID_12","The variable is the Medicare Part C plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part C plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_pbp_id_12" "PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_01","This variable is the type of Medicare Part C plan for the beneficiary for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_plan_type_cd_01" "PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_02","This variable is the type of Medicare Part C plan for the beneficiary for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_plan_type_cd_02" "PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_03","This variable is the type of Medicare Part C plan for the beneficiary for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_plan_type_cd_03" "PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_04","This variable is the type of Medicare Part C plan for the beneficiary for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_plan_type_cd_04" "PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_05","This variable is the type of Medicare Part C plan for the beneficiary for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_plan_type_cd_05" "PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_06","This variable is the type of Medicare Part C plan for the beneficiary for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_plan_type_cd_06" "PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_07","This variable is the type of Medicare Part C plan for the beneficiary for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_plan_type_cd_07" "PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_08","This variable is the type of Medicare Part C plan for the beneficiary for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_plan_type_cd_08" "PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_09","This variable is the type of Medicare Part C plan for the beneficiary for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_plan_type_cd_09" "PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_10","This variable is the type of Medicare Part C plan for the beneficiary for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_plan_type_cd_10" "PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_11","This variable is the type of Medicare Part C plan for the beneficiary for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_plan_type_cd_11" "PTC_PLAN_TYPE_CD_12","This variable is the type of Medicare Part C plan for the beneficiary for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptc_plan_type_cd_12" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_01","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct01" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_01","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct01--1" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_02","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct02" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_02","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct02--2" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_03","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct03" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_03","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct03--3" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_04","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct04" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_04","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct04--4" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_05","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct05" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_05","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct05--5" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_06","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct06" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_06","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct06--6" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_07","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct07" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_07","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct07--7" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_08","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct08" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_08","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct08--8" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_09","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct09" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_09","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct09--9" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_10","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct10" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_10","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct10--10" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_11","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct11" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_11","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct11--11" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_12","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct12" "PTD_CNTRCT_ID_12","This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdcntrct12--12" "PTD_PBP_ID_01","The variable is the Part D plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Part D plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part D plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdpbpid01" "PTD_PBP_ID_02","The variable is the Part D plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Part D plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part D plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdpbpid02" "PTD_PBP_ID_03","The variable is the Part D plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Part D plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part D plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdpbpid03" "PTD_PBP_ID_04","The variable is the Part D plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Part D plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part D plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdpbpid04" "PTD_PBP_ID_05","The variable is the Part D plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Part D plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part D plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdpbpid05" "PTD_PBP_ID_06","The variable is the Part D plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Part D plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part D plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdpbpid06" "PTD_PBP_ID_07","The variable is the Part D plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Part D plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part D plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdpbpid07" "PTD_PBP_ID_08","The variable is the Part D plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Part D plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part D plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdpbpid08" "PTD_PBP_ID_09","The variable is the Part D plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Part D plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part D plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdpbpid09" "PTD_PBP_ID_10","The variable is the Part D plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Part D plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part D plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdpbpid10" "PTD_PBP_ID_11","The variable is the Part D plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Part D plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part D plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdpbpid11" "PTD_PBP_ID_12","The variable is the Part D plan benefit package (PBP) for the beneficiary’s Part D plan for a given month (January through December). CMS assigns an identifier to each PBP within a contract that a Part D plan sponsor has with CMS.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptdpbpid12" "PTD_SGMT_ID_01","This variable is the segment number that CMS assigns to identify a geographic market segment or subdivision of a Part D plan; the segment number allows you to determine the market area covered by the plan. The variable describes the market segment for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/sgmtid01" "PTD_SGMT_ID_02","This variable is the segment number that CMS assigns to identify a geographic market segment or subdivision of a Part D plan; the segment number allows you to determine the market area covered by the plan. The variable describes the market segment for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/sgmtid02" "PTD_SGMT_ID_03","This variable is the segment number that CMS assigns to identify a geographic market segment or subdivision of a Part D plan; the segment number allows you to determine the market area covered by the plan. The variable describes the market segment for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/sgmtid03" "PTD_SGMT_ID_04","This variable is the segment number that CMS assigns to identify a geographic market segment or subdivision of a Part D plan; the segment number allows you to determine the market area covered by the plan. The variable describes the market segment for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/sgmtid04" "PTD_SGMT_ID_05","This variable is the segment number that CMS assigns to identify a geographic market segment or subdivision of a Part D plan; the segment number allows you to determine the market area covered by the plan. The variable describes the market segment for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/sgmtid05" "PTD_SGMT_ID_06","This variable is the segment number that CMS assigns to identify a geographic market segment or subdivision of a Part D plan; the segment number allows you to determine the market area covered by the plan. The variable describes the market segment for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/sgmtid06" "PTD_SGMT_ID_07","This variable is the segment number that CMS assigns to identify a geographic market segment or subdivision of a Part D plan; the segment number allows you to determine the market area covered by the plan. The variable describes the market segment for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/sgmtid07" "PTD_SGMT_ID_08","This variable is the segment number that CMS assigns to identify a geographic market segment or subdivision of a Part D plan; the segment number allows you to determine the market area covered by the plan. The variable describes the market segment for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/sgmtid08" "PTD_SGMT_ID_09","This variable is the segment number that CMS assigns to identify a geographic market segment or subdivision of a Part D plan; the segment number allows you to determine the market area covered by the plan. The variable describes the market segment for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/sgmtid09" "PTD_SGMT_ID_10","This variable is the segment number that CMS assigns to identify a geographic market segment or subdivision of a Part D plan; the segment number allows you to determine the market area covered by the plan. The variable describes the market segment for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/sgmtid10" "PTD_SGMT_ID_11","This variable is the segment number that CMS assigns to identify a geographic market segment or subdivision of a Part D plan; the segment number allows you to determine the market area covered by the plan. The variable describes the market segment for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/sgmtid11" "PTD_SGMT_ID_12","This variable is the segment number that CMS assigns to identify a geographic market segment or subdivision of a Part D plan; the segment number allows you to determine the market area covered by the plan. The variable describes the market segment for a given month (January through December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/sgmtid12" "PTNT_DSCHRG_STUS_CD","The code used to identify the status of the patient as of the Claim Through Date.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptnt_dschrg_stus_cd" "PTNT_PAY_AMT","This variable is the dollar amount that the beneficiary paid for the PDE without being reimbursed by a third party.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptnt_pay_amt" "PTNT_RSDNC_CD","This variable indicates where the beneficiary lived when the prescription was filled; as reported on the PDE record.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/ptnt_rsdnc_cd" "RDS_IND_01","This variable indicates if the beneficiary was enrolled in an employer-sponsored prescription drug plan that qualified for Part D’s retiree drug subsidy (RDS) for a given month (January–December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rdsnind01" "RDS_IND_02","This variable indicates if the beneficiary was enrolled in an employer-sponsored prescription drug plan that qualified for Part D’s retiree drug subsidy (RDS) for a given month (January–December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rdsnind02" "RDS_IND_03","This variable indicates if the beneficiary was enrolled in an employer-sponsored prescription drug plan that qualified for Part D’s retiree drug subsidy (RDS) for a given month (January–December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rdsnind03" "RDS_IND_04","This variable indicates if the beneficiary was enrolled in an employer-sponsored prescription drug plan that qualified for Part D’s retiree drug subsidy (RDS) for a given month (January–December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rdsnind04" "RDS_IND_05","This variable indicates if the beneficiary was enrolled in an employer-sponsored prescription drug plan that qualified for Part D’s retiree drug subsidy (RDS) for a given month (January–December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rdsnind05" "RDS_IND_06","This variable indicates if the beneficiary was enrolled in an employer-sponsored prescription drug plan that qualified for Part D’s retiree drug subsidy (RDS) for a given month (January–December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rdsnind06" "RDS_IND_07","This variable indicates if the beneficiary was enrolled in an employer-sponsored prescription drug plan that qualified for Part D’s retiree drug subsidy (RDS) for a given month (January–December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rdsnind07" "RDS_IND_08","This variable indicates if the beneficiary was enrolled in an employer-sponsored prescription drug plan that qualified for Part D’s retiree drug subsidy (RDS) for a given month (January–December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rdsnind08" "RDS_IND_09","This variable indicates if the beneficiary was enrolled in an employer-sponsored prescription drug plan that qualified for Part D’s retiree drug subsidy (RDS) for a given month (January–December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rdsnind09" "RDS_IND_10","This variable indicates if the beneficiary was enrolled in an employer-sponsored prescription drug plan that qualified for Part D’s retiree drug subsidy (RDS) for a given month (January–December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rdsnind10" "RDS_IND_11","This variable indicates if the beneficiary was enrolled in an employer-sponsored prescription drug plan that qualified for Part D’s retiree drug subsidy (RDS) for a given month (January–December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rdsnind11" "RDS_IND_12","This variable indicates if the beneficiary was enrolled in an employer-sponsored prescription drug plan that qualified for Part D’s retiree drug subsidy (RDS) for a given month (January–December).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rdsnind12" "REV_CNTR","The provider-assigned revenue code for each cost center for which a separate charge is billed (type of accommodation or ancillary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr" "REV_CNTR_1ST_ANSI_CD","The first code used to identify the detailed reason an adjustment was made (e.g.; reason for denial or reducing payment).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_1st_ansi_cd" "REV_CNTR_1ST_MSP_PD_AMT","The amount paid by the primary payer when the payer is primary to Medicare (Medicare is a secondary).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_1st_msp_pd_amt" "REV_CNTR_2ND_ANSI_CD","The second code used to identify the detailed reason an adjustment was made (e.g.; reason for denial or reducing payment).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_2nd_ansi_cd" "REV_CNTR_2ND_MSP_PD_AMT","The amount paid by the secondary payer when two payers are primary to Medicare (Medicare is the tertiary payer).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_2nd_msp_pd_amt" "REV_CNTR_3RD_ANSI_CD","The third code used to identify the detailed reason an adjustment was made (e.g.; reason for denial or reducing payment).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_3rd_ansi_cd" "REV_CNTR_4TH_ANSI_CD","The fourth code used to identify the detailed reason an adjustment was made (e.g.; reason for denial or reducing payment).","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_4th_ansi_cd" "REV_CNTR_BENE_PMT_AMT","The amount paid to the beneficiary for the services reported on the line item.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_bene_pmt_amt" "REV_CNTR_BLOOD_DDCTBL_AMT","This variable is the dollar amount the beneficiary is responsible for related to the deductible for blood products that appear on the revenue center record.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_blood_ddctbl_amt" "REV_CNTR_CASH_DDCTBL_AMT","This variable is the beneficiary’s liability under the annual Part B deductible for the revenue center record. The Part B deductible applies to both institutional (e.g.; HOP) and non-institutional (e.g.; Carrier and DME) services.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_cash_ddctbl_amt" "REV_CNTR_DDCTBL_COINSRNC_CD","Code indicating whether the revenue center charges are subject to deductible and/or coinsurance.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_ddctbl_coinsrnc_cd" "REV_CNTR_NCVRD_CHRG_AMT","The charge amount related to a revenue center code for services that are not covered by Medicare.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_ncvrd_chrg_amt" "REV_CNTR_NDC_QTY_QLFR_CD","The code used to indicate the unit of measurement for the drug that was administered.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_ndc_qty_qlfr_cd" "REV_CNTR_PMT_AMT_AMT","To obtain the Medicare payment amount for the services reported on the revenue center record; it is more accurate to use a different variable called the revenue center Medicare provider payment amount.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_pmt_amt_amt" "REV_CNTR_PRVDR_PMT_AMT","The amount Medicare paid for the services reported on the revenue center record.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_prvdr_pmt_amt" "REV_CNTR_PTNT_RSPNSBLTY_PMT","The amount paid by the beneficiary to the provider for the line-item service.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_ptnt_rspnsblty_pmt" "REV_CNTR_RATE_AMT","Charges relating to unit cost associated with the revenue center code.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_rate_amt" "REV_CNTR_RDCD_COINSRNC_AMT","For all services subject to Outpatient prospective payment system (PPS or OPPS); the amount of coinsurance applicable to the line for a particular service (as indicated by the HCPCS code) for which the provider has elected to reduce the coinsurance amount.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_rdcd_coinsrnc_amt" "REV_CNTR_TOT_CHRG_AMT","The total charges (covered and non-covered) for all accommodations and services (related to the revenue code) for a billing period before reduction for the deductible and coinsurance amounts and before an adjustment for the cost of services provided.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rev_cntr_tot_chrg_amt" "RPTD_GAP_DSCNT_NUM","This variable indicates the amount of the discount provided by the drug’s manufacturer under the Medicare Coverage Gap Discount Program; as calculated by CMS based on data reported in the PDE.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rptd_gap_dscnt_num" "RX_ORGN_CD","This variable indicates whether the prescription was transmitted as an electronic prescription; by phone; by fax; or as a written paper copy.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rx_orgn_cd" "RX_SRVC_RFRNC_NUM","This field contains the prescription reference number assigned by the pharmacy at the time the prescription is filled.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/rx_srvc_rfrnc_num" "SUBMSN_CLR_CD","For beneficiaries living in long-term care (LTC) facilities; this variable indicates how many days’ supply of the medication was dispensed by the long-term care pharmacy and provides some details about the dispensing event.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/submsn_clr_cd" "TAX_NUM","The federal taxpayer identification number (TIN) that identifies the physician/practice/supplier to whom payment is made for the line-item service.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/tax_num" "TOT_RX_CST_AMT","This variable is the total cost of the prescription drug event and is taken directly from the original PDE.","https://bluebutton.cms.gov/resources/variables/tot_rx_cst_amt"